Yes, you still need to register for each class. When you purchase a package of classes, you are essentially purchasing credits to be deducted from each class you book. In the case of the kids classes you are purchasing 10 credits and for adult classes you are purchasing 4 credits.
The first step is to purchase the credits and the second step is to use the credits.
So step #1 is purchase credits
Step #2 is choose the class you want to attend and book that class as you would normally do. The difference will be that you will not be asked for a credit card payment. You will simply deduct 1 credit from your Real Food Academy balance.
More importantly, purchasing a package of classes tells us only that you've bought a block of credits. We still you to tell us WHEN you are coming to class. Then and only then will we know the details of you or your child and most importantly whether or not your child has any food allergies.
This is why you need to register online for each class.