OK here's the deal. Chase and LivingSocial got together, raised 3 mil and are awarding grants of 250k to 12 small businesses. the Real Food Academy has a decent shot based on the criteria. However, in order for our application to be considered we need 250 votes from friends.
The Real Food Academy was started about 4 years ago. We teach kids how to cook while teaching them to make more healthy food choices. Through after school programs, field trips, weekend cooking class's and camps, the Real Food Academy is changing the way kids eat one household at a time. We feel we could do some significant things with 250k to further the cause.
We need 250 votes before June 30th. Just Click Here, enter the Real Food Academy, enter FL as the State and Miami as the City. That's it! It will take you about 1 minute to complete. You don't event need to enter an email or anything else.
Thank you everyone!!